מרכז TEC מלווה את פעילותו במחקר תמידי שמטרתו להעריך את האפקטיביות שלה. נחקרים במיוחד  המרכיבים החדשים הנוספים לפעילות מדי שנה. בכל תחילת שנה ובסופה, התלמידים,  המורים והסטודנטים ממלאים שאלוני מחקר כדי להשוות את העמדות שלהם בסוף השנה ביחס לתחילתה וכדי להעריך את תרומת התכנית שבה הם משתתפים.

כדי לחזק את תוקף המחקר וממצאיו, תלמידים מכיתות ביקורת, מאותו בית ספר ומאותה שכבת גיל, שאינם בתכנית, ממלאים גם הם את השאלונים, כדי למקד ולחדד את השפעת התכנית ולנטרל גורמים אחרים. המחקר מנוהל בידי חברת מחקר חיצונית, וממצאיו, לצד משוב מצוותי התוכניות ורעיונות לשיפור, משמשים מדי שנה לשיפור התוכניות.

פרסומים בכתבי עת ובכנסים


Publications and conference papers about the TEC Center

Ganayem, A., Hoter, E. & Shonfeld, M. (2020). In W. J. Hunter & R. S. P. Austin (Eds.), Blended and Online Learning for Global Citizenship: New Technologies and Opportunities for Intercultural Education, (pp. 32-50). New York, NY: Routledge.

Shonfeld, M., Levy, K. & Spergel, S. (2020). Teaching presentence affecting success in an online course in multicultural environments. MOFET.

Shonfeld, M., Magen-Nagar, N. (2020). The Impact of an Online Collaborative Program on Intrinsic Motivation, Satisfaction and Attitudes Towards Technology. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 25 (2), 297–313.

Shonfeld M., & Greenstein, Y. (2020 Published online). Factors promoting the use of virtual worlds in educational settings. British Journal of Educational Technology. 

Shonfeld, M., Aharoni, N., & Kritz, N. (2020). The Impact of Participating in a Digital Program on Teachers’ Perceptions of their Information Literacy. In D. Schmidt-Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 981-984). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Cohen Liverant, R., Yazbak Abu Ahmad, M. & Shonfeld, M. (2020). Online Learning and Conferences: 15 Years of Contribution. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive 2020 Online Conference (pp. 180-184). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved November 10, 2020 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/218140/.

Yazbak-Abu Ahmad, M., & Hoter, E. (2019). Online Collaboration between Arab and Jewish Students: Fear and Anxiety. International Journal of Multicultural Education 21(1), 62-81.

Kritz, M., Bachar, E., & Shonfeld, M. (2019). TEC: An online collaborative learning model in a multicultural environment. In M. Shonfeld & D. Gibson, (Eds.), Collaborative learning in a global world (pp. 111-124). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Finkbeiner, C., Muchow, M., Rozner, E., & Shonfeld, M. (2019). Connecting university students from Israel and Germany. In M. Shonfeld & D. Gibson, (Eds.), Collaborative learning in a global world (pp. 175-194). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 

Yazbak-Abu Ahmad, M., & Hoter, E. (2019). Online Collaboration between Arab and Jewish Students: Fear and Anxiety. International Journal of Multicultural Education 21(1), 62-81.

Magen-Nagar, N., & Shonfeld, M. (2018). The impact of an online collaborative learning program on students’ attitude towards technology. Interactive Learning Environments, 26(5), 621-637.

Ganayem, A., & Zidan, W. (2018). 21st century skills: Students’ perception of online instructor role. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, 14, 117-142. https://doi.org/10.28945/4090

Kritz, M., Sheinfeld, M., & Nagar, I. (2017). Contribution of Online Courses from Different Models to the Training of Teaching Students: Skills for the Integration of Technology in Learning in the College – A Breadthwise and Lengthwise Look. In: Y. Yair & A. Shmueli (Eds.) Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. The 15th Annual National Conference of MEITAL, Haifa University.  

Kritz, M., Sheinfeld, M., & Nagar, I. (2017). Training of Student Teachers and Actual Teachers for the Advancement of Dialogue for Tolerance and Mutual Respect through the TEC Model. Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute Journal, 60, 13-18.

Kritz, M., Shonfeld, M., & Nagar, I. (2016). Online Courses Evolving in Teacher Education Programs. In Teixeira, A. M., Szűcs, A., & Mázár, I. (Eds.). Re-Imagining Learning Scenarios, EDEN 2016 Annual Conference, European Distance and E-Learning Network, 2016. pp. 473-480, Budapest, Hungary.

Multicultural Collaborative Online Learning and Teaching Designed and Implemented by the Centre for Technology, Education and Cultural Diversity in Israel (Submitted on Tue, 2017-01-03

Walther, J. B., Elaine, H., Ganayem, A., & Shonfeld, M. (n.d.). Computer-mediated communication and the reduction of prejudice: A controlled longitudinal field experiment among Jews and Arabs in Israel. Computers in Human Behavior. Elsevier. Retrieved 9 7, 2014, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563214004324

Shonfeld, M., Hoter, E., & Ganayem, A. (2013). Connecting Cultures in Conflict through ICT in Israel. In R. S. P. Austin & W. J. Hunter (Eds.), Online Learning and Community Cohesion: Linking schools, (pp. 42-58), Routledge.

Shonfeld, M., Hoter, E. & Ganayem, A. (2013). Improving Collaborative Online Learning Using the TEC Model. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (pp. 1028-1033). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Hoter, E., Shonfeld, M. & Ganayem, A.N. (2012). TEC Center: Linking Technology, Education and cultural diversity, I-manager's journal of Educational Technology, 9 (1), 15-22.

Hoter, E., Ganayem, A. & Shoenfeld, M. (2012). Nine Considerations to Ensure that an Intercultural Intercollege Collaboration Leaves you on Cloud Nine and Isn't a Nine Day Wonder. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 1524-1528). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Shonfeld, M., Hoter, E. & Ganayem, A. (2012). "TEC" Center (Technology, Education and Cultural Diversity): Using ICT to increase equity and intercultural competence. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 1598-1605). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. 

Hoter, E., Shonfeld, M. & Ganayem, A. (2011). A model for building Trust in online learning. In M. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp. 364-369). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Ganayem, A., Schonfeld, M., Hoter, E., & Walther, J. B. (2011). Virtual groups and the reduction of intergroup prejudice using CMC: A controlled, longitudinal field experiment among Jews and Arabs in Israel. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.

Hoter, E., Ganayem, A. & Shonfeld, M. (2011). OICH – Online Inter-group Contact Hypothesis: a model for building bridges though online learning. Opening Gates in Teacher Education, 2011 – Education and Teacher Education in the Age of Globalization. Mofet Institute, Israel. 

Ganayem, A.Shonfeld, M. & Hoter, E. & Walter, J.(2010). Virtual Groups and the Reduction of Intergroup Prejudice: A Longitudinal Field Experiment Among Israeli Jews and Arabs.Inter Network: Intercultural Education as Project for Social Transformation. Malta. 

Shonfeld, M., Hotter, E. &Ganayem, A. (2009). Can Technology Bridge the Gap between Jewish and Arabs in Teacher Education. IAEI, Athens, Greece.

Hoter, E, Shonfeld, M. &Ganaim, A. (2009).Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Service of Multiculturalism .IRRODL, 10 (2).

Shonfeld, M., Hoter, E., Ganayam, A., Sloma, N. & Wated, H. (2008). Pride and Prejudice: How can ICT intervention reduce bias, stigmas and ethnic prejudice among prospective teachers?. In K. McFerrin et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2008 (pp. 4328-4330). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Hoter, E, Ganayem, A, Shonfeld, M. (2007) Building bridges between cultures in conflict in WIAOC 2007: Web heads in Action Online Convergence.

Hoter, E., Markowicz, H., Ganayem, A., Roger, A. &Shonfeld, M. (2007). How Effective are Intercultural Projects in Bridging between Different Cultures? Panel,  SITE, Orlando, USA

Ganaim, A., Shonfeld, M., Hoter, E. (2007). Faculty get connected to Multiculturalism conference. Chaise Conference, The Open University, Israel.


Hoter, E., Shonfeld, M. &Ganayem, A. (2006).Constructing bridges between cultures in conflict through an online teacher education course.  Proceeding of International Conference on ICT, Bridge Building and Social Inclusion, Ireland.

Hoter, E., Markowicz, H., Ganayem, A., Austin, R. & Shonfeld, M. (2006). How effective are intercultural projects in bridging between different cultures?. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2006 (pp. 2545-2547).

Shonfeld, M., Hoter, E. & Ganayem, A. (2006). Shake Up and Wake Up the Faculty: A Model for Intervention in Technology Diffusion. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2006 (pp. 1335-1342). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Hoter, E., Shonfeld, M. &Ganayem, A. (2006). Can Technology Bridge the Gap between Jewish and Arabs in Teacher Education. MINERVA. Jerusalem


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  5. שינפלד, מ., חוטר, א. וקריץ, א. (2011). פגישה רב-תרבותית מקוונת עם אלופות ישראל בספורט במסגרת פרוייקט אמירים. ממ"ש:משרד החינוך, המנהל הפדגוגי, האגף לתלמידים מחוננים ומצטיינים, 4.
  6. שינפלד, מ., חוטר, א. גנאיים, א. (2011). קישורים רב-תרבותיים במציאות החינוכית של המאה ה-21. כנס בינלאומי צו השעה קשרי גומלין בין תרבויות בהוראה ובהשכלה האקדמית, מכללת אריאל בשומרון.
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