Alumot Program

Vision, Goals, and Objectives

The main problems in colleges of teacher education


There is a lack of skilled candidates for senior positions in academic management. Academic management requires academic seniority, but the latter may be acquired without any managerial skills.


Organizations in the academic field of education tend to operate in silos-each college and organization on its own. This limits the efficiency of improvement processes, and eventually, widens the gap between the center and the periphery in Israel.


The world of education is changing at an accelerated pace, and teacher education is having difficulty keeping up with it. The relevance of academe to the field cannot be underestimated.

Our Vision

Developing a cadre of educational leadership in the realm of teacher education – whose members aspire to reach senior management positions and have the ability to fulfill them. These future leaders collaborate to create partnerships between different teacher-education institutions and between them and educational institutions, with the goal of trailblazing a change in teacher education and enhancing education in Israel.

Program Goals

  1. Fostering managerial capabilities and leadership skills for the senior academic level cadre in academic institutes of education, together with strengthening motivation to assume senior management positions in the teacher-education field
  2. Establishing a systemic perception of the ecology of teacher education, and a deep, comprehensive understanding of processes of teacher education and development
  3. A solid, unified alumni network that works across sectors to strengthen the teacher-education system

Main Objectives

Goal no. 1:

Fostering managerial capabilities and leadership skills for the senior academic level cadre in academic institutes of education, together with strengthening motivation to assume senior management positions in the teacher-education field

Improving member's personal, interpersonal, and professional capabilities, emphasizing leadership and system-management skills within a changing educational world

Developing the efficacy to lead vision into action, both as individuals and as part of a group and a network

Clarifying individual, group, and societal professional values, and fostering critical thinking about the education field

Goal no. 2:

Establishing a systemic perception of the ecology of teacher education, and a deep, comprehensive understanding of processes of teacher education and development

Meeting with policy makers to enable a systemic understanding of the ecology of teacher education

Investigating key issues in the professional field of teacher-education in Israel, and developing applicable modes of action

Creating a broader and deeper perspective of the world of teacher education through exposure to education systems outside of Israel, noting similarities and differences

Goal no. 3:

A solid, unified alumni network that works across sectors to strengthen the teacher-education system

Promoting honest and open discourse about professional and systemic challenges in the members' professional world, based on attentiveness, empathy, and mutual trust

Deepening members' acquaintance with each other and with the variety of populations within Israeli society

Leading strategic and systemwide change processes, while leveraging the partnerships and variety within the network

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